Thursday, June 30, 2005


Zack DeLarocha is a fuckin sellout. Besides selling to miniature skateboard companies, he sold out his fans. He has been repeatedly silent (an oxymoron) abut everything from the breakup to Bush’s second term. His voicelessness is his weakness. Screw Zack DeLarocha. Screw Zack DeLarocha in the goat ass. Fuck him repeatedly, fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck ‘em.


Bowl number fie of the day.

Pope Benedict XIV comes to power.

Smoke laws paralyze you as a human being just for persecution’s sake.

I’m in the wrong business. It’s all about being on ElimiDate.

Cashed another bottle of booze. UV Red mo fo.

Southern Girls do the polka stage left.

We line Douglas Adams up against the wall. BANG! One shot Lugar fuck. He’s already dead.

These are the new overactive times.

The Ventures are blasting Hawaii 5-0 Themes in my head.

Move to Tallahassee?

“Tip my hat to the new constitution,
Take a bow for the new revolution…”

-Pete Townsend

Watched the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, scariest move ever.

Watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2—5 words, Dennis Hopper with dual chainsaws. Fuck yeah.

“The people bowed and prayed to the neon Gods they made…”
Paul Simon and Art Garfunnkel or both.

I feel like I was brutally and repeatedly beaten by some Tusken Raiders.

Iraq is the new Iraq.

Monday, June 13, 2005


Bullshit at his moment I just saw shameless mother fucking advertising done by Seth McFarlane of Family Guy. Apparently, this pigfucker is going to be on Esquire magazine this mother fuckin’ Friday.

And he chose to air that on Family Guy on Cartoon Network to all of us rabid fans in his utmost peak. Just to take advantage of his newfound millions. Pigfucker.


"How long will they kill our prophets,
none but ourselves will free our minds. "
– Bob Marley

I feel like the worst of sellouts. Today I acquired cable and the internet for my abode, I bought a cordless keyboard and mouse, downloaded programs to make life easier, and at this moment I’m watching and quite enjoying another episode of Inuyahsa. Sellout. Sellout. Sellout.

I have boxes of all types of yuppie gear floating around the house. It’s driving me to the jug and making me want to burn more weed than I know exists on this globe.

It’s a scary thought, I know, but Frank.

I always like to be Frank.

My preferred is TV’s Frank. But only a few of you will comprehend that.

Making plans to watch Teen Titans, Superfriends, and Wonder Woman. Star Trek on Spike TV and a dozen other meaningless shows with no moral value or drive. It’s incredible.

Dip into last night.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Jason Galore Posted by Hello


The Minnesota state quarter is the mark of the infernal beast at work within our own infrastructure. Behind the friendly face of George Washington lies the evil and corrupt visage of a falsified state record. When one turns the quarter over, the viewer is privy to the most ghastly image imaginable—the ridiculous representation of the Land of 10,000 Lakes.

A loon is flanked on all sides by trees, a fisherman and the lovely lovely outline of the state’s borders.

In the utmost insulting form, the powers-that-be have yet again given us a crappy utopian vision of our fair land.

In my personal thoughts, I felt that the Minnesota State Quarter should have sported the image of our former Governor Jesse Ventura. One would flip the quarter over and see an image of our famed wrestler-leader silhouetted the same way as Washington. An exact replica of our founding father, bald head and everything. Surreal attitude would reign supreme. Which side is the front?

Designed by the Minnesota Quarter Dollar Commission, a group featuring the Secretary of State Mary Kiffmeyer among others.

They should be the first ones ousted. But yet again I’ll be outvoted.