Tuesday, September 27, 2005




It was like some bullshit scenario, the quarterback fell to his knees and cried midfield. The landmines had exploded above the players and incinerated most of the audience.

With no one to watch, he felt like a gladiator with no armor, just skin and bone, flesh for the taking.

That's when the cheerleaders committed harekare.

The coaching staff mauled the refs, blaming them for the deaths.

And the announcers announced it all until the end.

The quarterback's tears penitently fell to the turf just as the enemy pressed the button on the nuclear device in the '06 Mazda on the side of the field, being given away at halftime.

From a distance the city could see that Monday Night Football was ruined. An American pastime was shattered with a puff of smoke and a slight whimper.

And just when we thought it was all over, up from the underground came the next step in reality. A sharp new form of energy spurred out from the battle scene, traveling along the visual transit lines and penetrating the eyes of every viewer worldwide. Years later some would say it was all the energy of the fans minced with the passion of the game, but today all of America, most of Canada, and a good part of Mexico was enveloped by a pulse of some sort and laid to waste immediately.

For an encore, the pulse gave us a new breed of human, a race of primates with the guts to face any challenge and conquer and adversity. They were direct descendents of Sonny Bono himself. In fact the likeness (and fact that they all had mustaches) was almost too much to bear. The nations of South America, now the primary power in the Western Hemisphere fought a short bloody war and merged under the leadership of Che Guevara's clone to rise against Sonny's Army (as it was now called).

Still unsure of the origins of this species and why a random pulse from failed Monday Night Football game would have any bearing on its creation, Guevara's Clone's Army launched an all out attack on that which once was the United States, now mostly a wasteland, although Las Vegas had been rebuilt.

As the fleets amassed in the harbors and the troops washed ashore in a scene very reminiscent of the D-Day invasions, all hope for the human world rested in Guevara's Clone's Army.

But something sinister was afoot...hurricanes!

Everyone bumvertised for

In the wake of this latest catastrophe, the Commissioner of the NFL, a newly elected Condoleeza Rice (who had conveniently evacuated to Argentina, just before the game to end all games), rallied what she liked to call the Reagan Brigade and rode horses in thru Mexico and invaded Sonny's Army's headquarters in San Antonio.

The city's streets ran red with blood and mustaches. Cher clones cried on corners, dying babies in their hands.

It was a travesty. But humanity must survive.

Later, the ghost of Edison came on above the heads of everyone in the form of a celestial lightbulb. The torturous revolution had come to a close, followed soon by a massacre, some occupations, one or two liberations, a little bit of genocide and yet another vicious civil war.

To end all of humanities continuing blunders, it took a giant talking doll from New Jersey to rampage across the remainder of civilization and one dude to tell everyone to start being nice to each other and team up to destroy said doll.

They did this.

And just then when it couldn't get any more absurd, I decided to clean my coffeemaker with some lemon juice and a bit o gin, took up residence at Menlo Park and decided to reinvent electricity. This time we'll do without the voltage.

But as with all good things, I bashed a good cop's skull in with a phonograph and they gave me the chair. Cooking my brains out, I thought of those pretty things that always make me smile.


Wednesday, September 21, 2005


I was in a battle with Yuppies tonite. I get the distinct impression that that will be an ongoing thing in my life, a sort of eternal war as it were.

God Bless Yuppies.

Played, like, 24 hours of Starcraft. Fucked my head.

God Bless Starcraft.

The Sundays and Disturbed came on the tele. I see a G Type Star as a Dyson's Sphere rolls down over my Solar System. The Lickety Split Guy rolls on the TV tryin' to sell me Augie's and a used car.

God Bless the Lickety Split Guy.

Is New Orleans gone? Sorta. Deal is the city's wasted. Gone. And the people that made it cool are gone forever with the Hurricane Panic. What about the guy dressed like Uncle Sam with a fake dog that stands still for hours at a time. Will he return? No. Real art is dead.

God Bless New Orleans.

Went to see th Vikes. 9/11 was paraded around like some dead ghost while HBO sold its newest collections of Deadwood and The Sopranos. The Guard joined with the UofM band and a big ass American flag to send purple electricity through the crowd and the gladiators in our presence. The 77th sellout in a row, I couldn't help but be affected by the $6 beers.

God Bless the Vikings.

Truth is and absurd concept known neither by the haves or the have mores. The have nots have time to think about truth, but deep down all they're concerned with is fact. Pepsi products are $3.33 this week, Coke products are $4.29. Next week Pepsi products will be $4.29 and Pepsi will be $3.35. It's fuckin' wrong.

God Bless Coke and Pepsi.

Just watched Revolution, some movies starring Al Pacino made back in, like, 1985 or some shit. The movie traces the story of Pacino as a downtrodden common man thrust into fighting for ideals and beliefs he doesn't understand. From the chaos of the New York mobs in 1776 to Valley Forge and the penultimate battle of Yorktown, Pacino gives voice to those overshadowed by the elitism of the Founding Fathers. I recommend.

God Bless Revolution.

Hurricanes are the new OJ Simpson.

God Bless Hurricanes.

What? $#%^?

Smokin' Midnight Special, a “rich and brawny” tobacco made in Tucker, GA, like every other domestic rolling tobacco.

God Bless Lane Ltd.

Made a beer run to Wisconi. Bought New Glarus' Spotted Cow. Best damn beer since my buddy Matt's LowBrau.

God Bless New Glarus, WI.

Also, big into the Cruzen Black Strap Rum. 80 Proof. A Navy Tradition. Teaches Semaphore.

God Bless the Navy.

Watchin' Superman: The Movie. Everyone knows that Superman I & II are the only ones worthwhile. All I wanna know is what did General Zod, et al, do exactly? They're guilty and evil, but guilty and evil of what? Part III is merely a Richard Pryor vehicle, nice if you're in the mood for a laugh, especially the opening sequence with Christopher Reeve trying to change into costume and everything going wrong. Part IV fuckin' blows. Avoid like the plague. I will never get those 2 hours back.

God Bless Superman.

In fact, God Bless everything over Scotch. And remember...


What Would Scotty Do?

God Bless September..

Thursday, September 15, 2005


NASA is set to pull out the International Space Station (ISS), according to Moscow Russian News and Information Agency Novosti.

NASA Administrator Michael Griffin told USA Today on June 22 that NASA could not fulfill its previous obligations to the program.

28 shuttle missions are still needed to complete the ISS, but with the new Bush Doctrine of Moon and Mars flights and the recent problems with the shuttle program in general, US commitment is at an all time low.

In addition, the European Space Agency (ESA) plans to send the Jules Verne Automatic Transfer Vehicle (ATV) to the ISS by this fall, but with no ship to transport it, the Europeans may have built a remarkable piece of technology with no purpose here on earth.

Despite the limited success of the Discovery flight, the shuttles are again grounded with no end in sight. Ice and foam seem to have beaten the US space program into submission.

But for the Russian Federal Space Agency, this development has only strengthened its drive to complete the Kliper reusable spacecrafts currently under construction. If the US does indeed quit the ISS, Russia and Europe will be well-suited to take control of the orbiting station and bring the program back from the brink of destruction.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


We've just lost New Orleans.

Thousands of deaths, millions without power or water, billions of dollars in damages, one can truly say the deep South has been destroyed. From New Orleans to Biloxi to Mobile. A 90K square mile disaster area that only intensifies day after day.

Katrina brought us paranoia. Gas prices up 25 cents already, 30% of US oil supply is cut off, the Midwest's lifeline has been cut, billions of dollars in insured damage alone. 70K people transported from the Superdome to the Astrodome, homeless and living in stadiums. That's my dream.

Guns stolen from a Wal-Mart video I watched last night have become the news fodder for tonight. Our nation's finest reporters have descended upon New Orleans via truck, helicopter and boat to videotape the dying masses, the looting, the starvation, the diseased corpses, and wildlife--the snakes and alligators are hungry and running loose.

Insanity. The Army Corp of Engineers has been mobilized to stop the remaining levees from breaking. Carnival cruiselines has considered bringing ships in as floating hotels. But as the situation spirals out of control, the power grabs take place and the ones with the guns will soon rule.

In response, USS Harry S. Truman en route to join 5 other naval ships and the Senate passed relief funding. Yawn. I'm rather tired of the way the authorities have handled this situation. Where are the air drops? Why haven't evacuations truthfully happened or real supplies been delivered? The Federal government has taken days to file reports and our representatives slothed their way back to Capital Hill. Is this some evil form of Darwinism in play?

And as the clock ticks by, people still die, and life in the area becomes more and more tribal. Civilization has collapsed. Granted, it's hard for me to understand why leadership hasn't developed and an escape plan by the marooned hasn't been mounted. I'd like to think that if I were there, I would have fashioned together a boat of some kind and left by now. But maybe that's just me. There's plenty of wood, and somebody had to steal an ax from Wal-Mart.

Corporations should step up, but they won't.

We got rock stars though. All types of old acts to get the yuppies openin' their wallets. This is the fastest they've thrown together a concert since 9 “freakin” 11. I love the liberal arts.

If you were to ask my opinion, it's bigger than the Twin Towers falling. Not bigger than 9/11! Oh, yes my friends. Only now there are thousands of survivors that no one wants to rescue or help find homes. I'm pretty disappointed in every State in the Union. We all have old domes and old stadiums. Lets house 'em all.

And the powerless? With the constant bombardment of the news broadcasts and the gas inflation, we seem to be pretty complacent about it all.

SAY I: Let's rally.

SAY YOU: Nah, gotta work.

SAY i: Let's go down and rescue them ourselves.

SAY YOU: Can't. Guard is blocking the path.

The news is now saying that it could be a decade before the city can be habitable again. On that grim news, I'm thrown back to one event and one event only. Mardi Gras. New Orleans was nothing if not the site of the biggest most bitchin' party in the USA.

Where will America drink, see boobs, where ridiculous amounts of beads, get arrested and processed for three days just coz you decided peeing on the horses leg would be funny?

Nonetheless, its my opinion that New Orleans should be left to memorial. Put a fence around it and sell tickets, pay for the rebuilding of the historic district. The French Quarter is dry, but I'd say her partyin' days are over. Build a road and a gift shop, open it back up for tourists.

In my opinion, business should be looking to the future:

Baton Rouge--New party capital of the USA!

They got LSU. Great crawfish. And some really amazing bars with the infamous $1 mystery taps. I know.

Sometimes martyrdom is better than rebirth.

Now, lets save these people and have a parade, already.