Thursday, February 23, 2006



The are three overt instances of complete calamity in our elected officials and the systems and processes that needs to be audited.

Let's look at South Dakota. The land of Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse and Wal Drug.

Today, the South Dakota legislature proceeded to reject the law of the Supreme Court by passing a bill in regards to Roe V Wade, banning abortions state wide unless the mother's health is at risk.

The bill state's it is “the intrinsic right of a mother to have a relationship with her unborn child.” And thereby abortions are illegal.

Seig Heil to the balls on these guys. To literally sprout an entire army of middle fingers to the Supreme Court and the Constitution of the United States.

These guys are worthy of aiding and a bedding the fall of the United States.

The President hailed a big “fuck you” at all of Congress by saying he'd veto “whateva” they threw at him just cause he hadn't already done so.

Deciding to help sell off the security of 6 American ports including New York and Miami to the United Arab Emirates' controlled Dubai Ports World, he effectively acted as a buyout partner to a great money-making venture. Its sufficient to recognize that Bush owes a lot to Dubai and their Sheiks. Suffice it to say, Bush probably owes and assload to Dubai and the Oil Sheiks.

And the UAE spawned 2 9/11 hijackers and had money seized by the US in aiding the terror plot.

And now we love them for keeping us safe.

Look at the balls on Bush!!!!

His response, “people don't need to worry about security.”

Oh, that's nice.

And then the Iraq Civil War. 160 bombs in the last 24 hours. Mosques exploding. America talkin' pullout a bit more than usual.

This never ending battle for the American dollar is getting a bit expensive and the payout is nothing like we dreamed.

It looks, to the average American watching shit like Old American Century that the war has turned into a monotonous reality show spread out across the vastness of our multimedias. Video games, documentaries, cable dramas, and internet fanfare have changed the concept of blood war. The war of the psyche has carefully been presented and a future peace may become just another state of paranoia joining the likes of terrorism-mania and identity-theft.

As madness falls upon the populace and the IN GOD WE TRUST obsession grows thicker in some places and thinner in others, the Party members take one step away from the proletariat. And the Inner Party members start to look more and more like pigs. Until we couldn't tell them apart at all.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


LIVE AT (removed pending lawsuit)

Somewhere in St. Paul, on a dark corner in an unknown part of the metropolis, lurks a twisted monstrosity erected to the visage of pure metal, in all its unadulterated hardass attitude. Fast, furious, and boozed to all holy hell.

This place is called (removed pending lawsuit). And on Sunday, a barrage of misfits, deviants, musicians, and cannibals descended upon this lowly den of infamy.

One such act was A Second From the Surface.

Their show was solid like a hollow-tipped bullet, speeding fast into the liver of the vulgar noise, spilling bile across your insides. Guitars ground into you, a thrashing sonic scream across your gut. The band played 26 songs in 30 minutes. The alcohol flowed, and through the thick, dank cigarette smoke, the smell of spit and sex filled the air. And just as the band seemed to be winding down, Station 4 became the beacon of a warp bubble from hades.

With only a moments notice, a naked debut ante brandishing a squirt gun filled with Jaggermeister rampaged the stage, ferociously firing unrelenting splashes of the German pastime across the faces of many unsuspecting AA member who'd been told this was the weekly meeting.

And then came the pig head. Who brought that, the police still don't know, but when the 17 virgins who'd apparently been standing in the back the whole time, threatened to commit collective suicide unless the trio played another 4 hour set, the barback put an end to everything with his mini-gun. He was promptly arrested.

Suffice it to say, A Second from the Surface brought a new level to metal, paralyzing its victims' with a naughty psychosis. This writer is still recovering weeks later. After the nurse spoon fed me back to health, my eyesight returned and now I'm almost able to breath on my own again. And just this morning, the doctors said I can take off the casts next month.

Monday, February 20, 2006


Its been a long, cold, lonely winter and no came the 2006 Olympics. Number 20. Or XX for those not sophisticated enough to stop giving a shit about Roman crap. These Olympics have all the glory of a trashy soap opera and the talent of bittersweet nothings. Team USA looks like a bunch of high school students who excel at nothing but snowboarding and ironically enough curling.

Luge, bobsledding, speed skating, alpine, ski jump, et al pale in comparison to the overtness of figure skating and hockey. But even in those premier sports, the good ol' US of A seems to find ways to choke.

And the word on the street. Who gives a shit about the Winter Olympics when there's a war on?

Who indeed?

I've been watching solid for the past 10 days. Holding my breath for the next awesome accident or the slim chance the US will actually take an event. Somehow, I've successfully avoided seeing the US get even one gold, but then again, I've been watching the random sports, not the Xgames. And that's what America doesn't understand. There's more to the Olympics than snowboarding, figure skating, and hockey. In our country we have our sports categorized and processed. NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL, dare I say it, the WNBA. We have all these national leagues of some of the best athletes in the world. None of them play in the Olympics. None of them care. Well, there is hockey. But the problem with the pro athletes entering competition is the fact that we end up with a bunch of stars and no real team. It's no wonder the Swedish and Slovakian hockey programs are superior to the all NHL US and Canadian teams. Well, not exactly. We are superior in our morale. Since most of us don't care, why bother getting upset when we suck.

But if you do choose to watch the Olympics, or the 'pics as us in the field call it, we have plenty of choices of where to pick our poison. Ya' got NBC, USA, CNBC, and some mediocre political ranting about the 'pics by Tucker Carlson on MSNBC. God I love that bow tie.

Is the era of US participation in worldwide sport over? Not exactly. But the era of worldwide sport in America has become a freakshow of insurmountable proportions. One of the things, you place at the bottom of a resume. Food shelf volunteer, Olympian 2002, red cross donor.

Gone are the days of going for the gold and having the whole country watching. Now, the Olympics hold a dear place somewhere on your DVR between the Sopranos and that rerun of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

A footnote.

One glorious thing about the Winter Games, I have to say, is the Biathlon. The coolest sport ever devised. Skiing and shooting. Let me say it again. Skiing and shooting. Like Corn and Bacon, this combination makes absolutely no sense, but will always intrigue a war weary peoples.

Skiing and shooting. Let the sport begin.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Hark the 6th Ward and the Conquest of Zimmerman

Former Minneapolis City Councilman Dean Zimmerman has been indicted on 2 counts of Federal charges for bribery, adding to the stigma of the Green Party in the Twin Cities.

This is yet another example of the powerful DFL flexing its muscles to swarm over the Greens in a desperate revenge practice of insurmountable proportions.

Back in 2001, Zimmerman was elected to city council by a Nader-infused electorate in Minneapolis's 6th Ward. He proceeded to restore and beautify the traditionally sketchy Lake St. and surrounding area of the Southwest, breathing life into the Somali community and making a multi-cultural area of a major American city thriving with hope and security.

But the DFL wouldn't have it. They intended on destroying the success the Green Party has had by undermining the system. First, redistricting the electorate to more easily enable the upper class Democrats to overthrow the Greens rule of the area. And second, by the FBI and their puppetmasters in Washington to raid Zimmerman's house just days before the primary in an effort to prove that he somehow accepted bribes for political favors.

While the Democrats seem to be using this action across the board to bring down the Republican Party, the Greens, having a meager support, are being decimated by what some would call a single-minded genocide of environmental and political values.

The city of Minneapolis is controlled by the DFL like no other across the country and they are not about to let that control go at any cost, righteous indignation be damned.

Zimmerman lost the election in November by 46 votes.

Whether Zimmerman is guilty of any crime remains to be seen. But the truth is that he represents yet another character of history brought down by the establishment for trying to make peace and responsibility for a small population of diverse peoples.