Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Sitting in the past and looking at the present can sometimes be a diversion. Thinking about all the stupid things you’ve done and all the changes you could’ve made along the way. I’ve made it my life’s pact never to look back unfondly, however, a bit of me always winces when I think of the times lost. Eras played to with distractions not only poison but also mindnumbing.

One of the greatest distractions of time and memorial can and is Torchwood, the ultimate spinoff from the famed Doctor Who. With characters such as Captain Jack Harckness, Torchwood has taken the Whovian universe to new heights and yet grounded in a bastion of earthly thoughts. I like Torchwood.

Fuck. That’s lame. That’s the lamest, most unfocused crap I may have ever written.

Lou Dobbs is presently talking to Sen. Obama without actually inviting him on the show. He’s asking for an apology but doesn’t want him on the show. National debate by bringing the attack personal.

ACLU is the enemy. Fearmongering bastards. Or so that’s what I’m told. I don’t buy it. No one should buy it.

I need a shot of scotch. That makes everything better.

Where’s Nader? He entered the race and no one noticed for more than a minute.

I guess its better to have a third party candidate with national appeal that no one cares about than no third party candidate at all.

The economy is falling with the sky. Like little feathers floating to earth, each carrying with it the dreams of children and families to own their own home and somehow reach the American dream.

The American dream is dead.

Only Scotch lives. And cigarettes. And nicorette because I have to quit smoking coz everyone has banned smoking.

Wasn’t the freedom to smoke in your home part of the American dream? Oh yeah, that’s right – dreams over and no one owns their damn home anyway.

We’re a bunch of pigfuckers.

Spitzer Sex Scandal. 2qwajnh6666666666

That was the cat.

Popcorn apparently causes cancer. Just the smell is enough to cause lung cancer. Second Hand Popcorn Smell is becoming a massive problem in America. We need to pass laws to prevent lung cancer to innocent bystanders in the workplace who do not want to experience the evils of popcorn. A fatty food. A trial to our ethanol producing state. We need to use this corn to produce biofuels and save the world not give ourselves cancer. I am putting forward a petition to our government here in Minnesota to add a provision to our Freedom to Breathe act. Popcorn must be banned in public places.

(See Website)

Hillary’s eyebrows are fucked up. Albeit fake, but she needs a tan underneath the makeup that you can see from Nevada. I agree, women get an extra attack on their wardrobe and hairstyles to such a degree that when a woman who is speaking in public has a bit of a bad hairday, everyone stops paying attention to what she is saying and focuses intensely on their hair.

-Oh, her hair is bad. What is she thinking, showing up public like that? God, she must have had a late night last night. I wonder why? Is she married? No? Was she out drinking? Or maybe it’s a very sketchy love affair with a rough man. Maybe she’s a whore. She’s sleeping around with everyone and drinking too much. Her voice doesn’t matter. That stupid cunt. I hate her hair.

Sucks to be a woman.

Doesn’t make Hillary qualified. Or the best candidate. Some woman will be. Some day. Hopefully soon. But not her. She’s a murderer. Remember Whitewater?

To paraphrase Dr. Who, She looks tired doesn’t she?

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

On the Eve of Super Tuesday 2.0

On the eve of Super Tuesday 2.0, the primaries in Texas, Ohio, Vermont, and Rhode Island and the Texas two-step caucus, politics as usual have reared their ugly head, as NAFTA has become an oblique issue of intrigue at least in the Ohio race. With the Canadian consulate releasing a memo of a meeting between Obama’s chief financial advisor and a Chicago embassy official regarding the political rhetoric of Obama’s anti-NAFTA stance. This latest attack by Hillary’s camp follows on the heels of the famed Obama in Kenya-dress picture.

The simple fact that Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are in the midst of Round 12 of a brutal battle royale that has left a string of black and blue states across the country does not pose well for a party recently recovering from a shattered visage in the early 21st Century now attempting a coupe de tat following 2006’s Democratic takeover of Congress.

If this contest continues without a victor, while John McCain sits in the wings taking pot shots like the Air Force pilot he was, the Dems may face a complete backlash against either candidate as seen in the recent 3AM phone call theory.

If Ohio’s voting machines have their traditional problems, we may see litigation, extending this to the Convention. If the Texas two-step of a primary and a caucus causes mayhem, we go to Convention. If the contest is split down the middle, we go to Convention. If Florida and Michigan get to revote, we go to Convention. Any way you look at it, the contest is too close, we’re going to Convention without a candidate and the Republicans can continue the campaign in the midst of the Dems’ deadlock. This is hare kare at its worst, the mad war will continue and more children will die.

I guess the only bright spot of the last two weeks is the band The Arcade Fire playing a two-night stand in support of Obama, accenting the fact of the continued war of the age groups. Screw race, gender, and nationality. This is battle of young vs. old.